Memorial Day Safety Tips

Memorial Day is right around the corner, and we want everyone to celebrate responsibly. Here are some safety tips and tricks to help you carefully navigate the festivities this year.
Create a plan for getting home safely. No one is telling you that you cannot have a drink or two to celebrate this meaningful holiday, but you should always drink responsibly if you decide to do so. If you are going out to a bar or a get-together, confirm that everyone in your group has a safe way of returning home. Choose one person in your group to be a designated driver, arrange a ride with someone outside of your group that is not planning on drinking, plot a bus route, or you can order a Lyft, Uber, or a taxi.
Do not put yourself in a dangerous situation – use the buddy system. Strategize ahead of time by taking a friend who you can trust and who has your best interests in mind. Stay together and look out for the safety of your friends and talk to them about doing the same for you.
Eat and stay hydrated. Make sure you eat a large enough meal and stay hydrated throughout the day. A helpful tip is to eat food with a high protein and fat content before and during drinking. It will also help to alternate beverages – drink a water with any alcoholic drink you consume. Eating plenty of food and drinking a lot of water may also decrease the chances of getting a nasty hangover the next day.
Leave valuables at home or make sure to keep them on you at all times. Do not leave your personal items unattended. It is not safe to leave anything of value in your car, especially if it is visible through the window. Many people report missing wallets, purses, credit cards, and cellphones that night of or the day after a big holiday celebration. The best way to keep your possessions safe is to leave them at home. This reduces the chances of them being lost or stolen from you.
Guard your drinks, even if you are not drinking alcohol. It is easy for someone to slip something in your drink if you are not paying attention. Make sure to watch the bartender open or prepare your drink. Keep your drink(s) with you at all times.
Please keep in mind that holiday’s such as Memorial Day can be deadly and dangerous due to the number of drunk drivers on the road. As a designated driver, remember that you are responsible for the safety of everyone in the car. Do not drink and drive, even if you think that you are ok. In the eyes of the law, “impaired driving” is the same as “drunk driving”.
Dr. Dharia and his team at Palm Beach Internal Medicine want to wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day! You can reach them at (561) 776-8891 if you have any questions regarding your health before and after this long holiday weekend.