Are Gel Manicures Safe?

Gel manicure with uv lamp.

Women and men all over the world get manicures on a regular basis, but some individuals have kicked their manicures up to the next level. Gel manicures have been made easily accessible and affordable here in America, whereas in other countries they are harder to get and a lot more expensive. If so many people are getting them done, why is there a debate on the safety component of this manicure?

What is a gel manicure?

There are two types of gel manicures – hard gel manicures and soft gel manicures. Hard gel manicures are not as common as soft gel manicures; we will mainly discuss soft gels due to its popularity. Soft gel is a form of polish that cures under a led or ultraviolet lamp. The purpose of a gel manicure is to increase the amount of time the polish will last on your nails without chipping or peeling off, which means the individual will spend less time in the salon.

What are the positives of a gel manicure?

Soft gel manicures give the final look of a perfect manicure that can last up to two to three weeks as opposed to a regular nail polish that may only last a few days. The final look of a gel manicure is much glossier than that of a regular polish. Gel nail polish dries instantly allowing the individual to go back to work or whatever it is that they were doing prior to the manicure. Gel polish also allows individuals to grow longer nails naturally because the gel adds an additional thicker layer of protection that prevents nails from breaking.

Is the gel polish itself safe?

For the most part, yes. Gel polishes are generally safe, but please keep in mind not all polishes are created equally. Keep an eye out for three ingredients usually referred to as the “toxic trio” – formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate. These three ingredients can cause serious damage such as liver and thyroid problems when used enough over a long period of time. Luckily for us, most polishes do not contain these toxic ingredients, but it is always a good idea to double check.

Is the curing process bad?

There are two types of curing processes – led lamps and ultraviolet lamps. Exposure to either lamp is not good for your skin. Most people think that led lamps are better than the ultraviolet lamps, however that is not the case. Led lamps are found to have stronger ultraviolet rays therefore drying or curing the nail faster. Along with increasing your risk of skin cancer, these lamps can expedite aging and dark spots on the hands.

Can you take additional safety precautions?

Yes, you can absolutely take safety precautions. There are special gloves that one can buy to decrease the amount of skin exposed during the curing process. You can also apply sunscreen before and during the manicure to help prevent harm from the ultraviolet rays. Additionally, make sure to stay hydrated when sporting a gel manicure to prevent the polish chemicals from drying out the natural nail. These tips and tricks do not eliminate all dangers associated with a gel manicure but help decrease them.

The Final Recap

Gel manicures are a beautiful and convenient way to keep your fingernails looking flawless at all times, but there are risks associated with this. Take the proper precautions before, during, and after to help eliminate any risks. Also consult your primary care physician if you are concerned about any signs or symptoms you might notice. Dr. Dharia and his team at Palm Beach Internal Medicine are here to help if you have any medical questions.

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