Are Gel Manicures Safe?

Women and men all over the world get manicures on a regular basis, but some individuals have kicked their manicures up to the next level. Gel manicures have been made easily accessible and affordable here in America, whereas in other countries they are harder to get and a lot more expensive. If so many people…

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Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV)

Varicella, more commonly known as the chickenpox, is a highly communicable infection caused by a virus. Adults can contract chickenpox, but mainly children fall victim to this nasty, but not dangerous virus. The first sign of chickenpox is when a person gets extremely itchy and develops a skin rash with red blisters. Eventually the red…

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Know Your Blood Type

There is enough blood in the human body to more than a 1 a gallon container. The average full-grown adult has about 1.2 to 1.5 gallons of blood circulating throughout the body at all times. Blood is such a vital component with many functions – it contains red bloods cells, white bloods cells, and platelets. The red blood cells…

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Staying Safe – Fourth of July

Today is a great day – we as American’s are celebrating Independence Day. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. Happy Birthday to the United States of America! Make sure to celebrate this special holiday with…

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Caffeine Overdose?

Many of us enjoy the taste of a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, but the main reason to get your morning brew on is not for the taste, but rather for the caffeine. What is caffeine? Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in many plants, such as coffee beans, tea leaves, kola…

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Is your head hurting? Is your skin dry and blemishing? Are you hungry after eating? Drinking water is essential to your health and can actually help with the issues previously mention. Rumor has it that you no longer need to drink 8 glasses of water a day – don’t listen to it! You might not…

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The Midnight Munchies

We have all been there – you are lying in bed, late at night, your stomach is churning and gurgling, and you just cannot sleep. Maybe you are not even hungry but have a craving too irresistible to turn down. What do you do? You go to your kitchen and have a late-night snack, of…

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Major Depression is REAL

Do you feel like you are regularly feeling miserable and hopeless? This is a top sign of what healthcare professions call clinical depression, also known as major depression. Major/clinical depression can make it difficult for individuals to function in their day to day activities such as work, school, relationships, and necessary actives you need to…

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Vitamin D Deficiency

You might be wondering if it is actually possible to be deficient in the “sunshine vitamin” while living in the beautiful sunshine state. The answer is, “yes!”. Avoiding the sun and not drinking milk due to allergies or preferences, or even partaking in a vegan diet may put you at risk of vitamin D deficiency,…

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Memorial Day Safety Tips

Memorial Day is right around the corner, and we want everyone to celebrate responsibly. Here are some safety tips and tricks to help you carefully navigate the festivities this year. Create a plan for getting home safely. No one is telling you that you cannot have a drink or two to celebrate this meaningful holiday,…

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